Sunday, June 2, 2013

I'm back for more...

I've decided to take real time out of my day and post blogs regularly. I don't know who is going to see them or who is going to care but it's something that makes me feel good. 

Last night, I went to see a friend's band in Hollywood. Diamond Lane. And they delivered amazingly. Such a breath of fresh air for there to be a band like that in a scene that has been taken over by spooky kids and music without substance. Every once in a while, there will be a group that makes me ask myself "What the fuck? That's a fucking BAND!"
From their musical talent to their ability to keep the crowd interested and energetic. Diamond Lane has made a stamp on my musical heart and I am so excited to see and hear more from these California boys. 
So, go google them, YouTube them, follow them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and all those fancy social networking sites. They are fucking amazingly awesome. 

Woowoo for Diamond Lane!